Definition of Street Credit: A way of life; someone or anything that has been through it all or done it all; someone or something that demands a level of respect; someone that has knowledge of issues that affect the environment; something that is 'golden' or cherished...
Street Credit is Undeniable.
There is something that is so unique to me, that makes me want to take a bit of time out to give some people or some items some street credit.
Who can deny the King and Queen Street Credit...
Who can deny the Red Bottom (Christian Louboutin) street credit...
Who can deny the Street Credit of the Queen of Talk and the Queen of Pop...
Who can deny studs Street Credit...
Who can deny New Skool meets Old Skool Street Credit...
Who can deny MAC Makeup Street Credit...
These are some of my LOVE's for now...there will be plenty more to come...